Harishkumar PillaiStart using Github Actions for CI/CD testing: How to run Pytest inside Docker container, Allure…Problem statement: We need to test the current PR before merging or want to validate tests after the PR got merged. One simple solution is…Sep 10, 20233Sep 10, 20233
InLevel Up CodingbyJuan NathanielUnit Testing Your Airflow Data PipelineUnit test your Airflow pipeline to prevent incorrect code and unexpected runtimeSep 7, 20211951Sep 7, 20211951
InSelectFrombyJun Wei NgWriting unit tests for Airflow custom operators and hooksHow to mock Airflow connections and variables, DAG run context, and Airflow hook initialisation during unit testingMar 8, 2022371Mar 8, 2022371
InTowards DevbyBar DadonData Engineering Concepts #3 — Adding Unit Tests to Airflow PipelinesIntroductionSep 5, 20231382Sep 5, 20231382
Nur Huda BikhoirUnit Test Apache AirflowApa kabar, data geeks? Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan sedikit membahas tentang unit test di Apache Airflow. Sebelum kita bahas lebih…Apr 6, 20212Apr 6, 20212
bluebirzDAG integrity — unit test your DAG before deployPrepare a test to ensure the pipeline is good enough to deployJan 7, 20233Jan 7, 20233
Chandu KavarTesting in Airflow Part 1 — DAG Validation Tests, DAG Definition Tests and Unit TestsTesting is an integral part of any software system to build confidence and increase the reliability of the system. Recently, I joined Grab…Aug 18, 20182K22Aug 18, 20182K22